Revolutionary technology for making perfect tasting real New York bagels anywhere in the world!

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Affordable, Turnkey Water Replication System that Enables Bagel Businesses and Franchises to Replicate Water from Any City to Make the Best Tasting Bagels.

What is NYWM:

New York WaterMaker is the first and ONLY system that allows bagel shop owners and franchises to replicate the exact water profile and taste of ANY city water and displace existing water filtration and purification systems, all in one small unit (3ft x 2ft x 17in.). Bagel franchises and businesses can now make authentic NYC bagels from any location in the world and ensure consistent taste across multiple locations and regions.

For an inside look at why New York water tastes so good, and why it is ideal for bagels, check out this YouTube video sponsored by 7Bit

  • Perfect solution for new bagel business and franchises

  • Embraced by renowned bagel artisans and bakers worldwide

  • Converts local tap water to the ideal water profile for bagels 

  • Customized solution (your tap water to ideal bagel water) with quick turnaround 

  • Have your business spotlighted in our social media channels and be part of our media relations outreach efforts for added exposure

  • Affordable monthly fee with short ROI & immediate positive cash flow.  The NYWM makes you money!

  • For a “FREE CONSULTATION,” fill out the form on our CONTACT US page!


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“We have been making great bread in Pt. Pleasant, NJ for over 20 years, but there was one thing in Pt. Pleasant that we couldn’t get; great water for baking,” said Joe Leone, master baker and bread specialist, Joe Leone’s Italian Specialties. “New York WaterMaker replicates water from my favorite bakery in the world in Bronx, NY. My bread quality and taste went from really good to great.  Our sales have gone up over 10% since we started using the NYWM system, and all of our customers have noticed it, which was proven during a blind taste test of close to 700 people.” – Joe Leone

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“After six months of trying various recipes and techniques, I fell short every time. But after doing research, I discovered New York WaterMaker,” said Charlie Cohen, owner, Brooklyn Bagels and Brooklyn Pizzeria, Virginia Beach, VA. “When making bagels with New York water instead of Virginia Beach water, our bagels average 6.5-6.7 ounces each while our competitors weigh in at only 3 ounces. The texture, taste, and the color are also significantly improved; it makes a huge difference!” – Charlie Cohen

Water binds the dough’s few ingredients. Nearly every chemical reaction that produces flavor occurs in water”, says Chris Loss, food scientist, Culinary Institute of America. “So, naturally, the minerals and chemicals in it will affect every aspect of the way something tastes.” – Chris Loss

Water is a MAIN ingredient in your bagel.

Learn how better water will help your bagel business explode and increase profits and stand out today!

Want to be the most popular bagel in your area?  CALL TODAY to speak with a system advisor
at 866-885-1522.  For a “FREE CONSULTATION,” fill out the form on our CONTACT US page!